Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
Ms. An Su Feng

An Su
'It's the things you can't see with your eyes.'

  An Su Feng studied Japanese at Dalien University in China. Now, she is studying for her Master's Degree at the Department of Law at Osaka University. Her specialty is intellectual property. She was also a translator at UNESCO's 5 Nation ASP Conference on Education for Sustainable Development recently held in Osaka.


  The bottle she gave us was painted on the inside in a special way. She said the craftsmen who make this type of bottle recently started getting support from the government of China. Cultural knowledge from every country is a treasure for all humankind. It needs to be protected.

  She said that there are many problems that cannot be solved by one country alone. Countries need to cooperate more and Asia needs to join together to make the world a better place.

  She likes the things about Japan you can't see with your eyes. Anybody can buy nice things if they have money. but is the people in Japan who have good manners and follow unspoken rules that make Japan a nice place. For example, in Japan it is normal to warmly greet people when you meet, or offer formal thanks if someone helps you. This kind of cooperation is very difficult in many other countries that she knows. Let's protect this cultural knowledge too!

  Ms. An Su Feng is a very busy person and we thank her for visiting our school!