Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
Semester 2 Final: Keywords from Texts

Nukes In North Korea
to posses nuclear weapons
 to alarm someone
 to enforce the sanctions
 the U.N. Security Council
 to seize money in the bank accounts
 the six-party talks
 missile technology
 economic cooperation
 to do unpredictable things
 human rights violations
 domestically ( about countries )
 the international community
 without protest
 to normalize relations
 the long-term goal
 to isolate someone or something
 What good does that do?

Russian Coastguard Kills Fisherman
 patrol boat
 a crew member
 The Kurils
 The Northern Territories
 several times
 to run
 to claim something
 to take control of something
 an accident
 to go away

The UN Millennium Development Goals
The MDGs
 to aim for
 gender equality
 a positive force/ a negative force
 to break with something
 business as usual
 to eradicate something
 primary education
 to empower someone
 child mortality
 maternal health
 to ensure something