Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website

International Awareness Semester 3 Final Exam Review

1) Understand the texts. Listen to the texts.

2) Prepare your essay (110 words):
  Define the difference between prejudice and discrimination. Give an example of one from your own experience. It could be something you've seen, did, or had done to you.

3) Keywords: Listen to the definitions.

1. globalization
2. child labor
3. cash crop
4. coconut fiber
5. sweatshop
6. Nike
7. soccer balls
8. fair trade
9. a demonstration

10. MDG
11. millennium
12. extreme poverty (1)
13. primary education (2)
14. gender equality (3)
15. child mortality (4)
16. maternal health (5)
17. AIDS, malariac (6)
18. environmental sustainability (7)
19. global partnership for development (A fairer world economy) (8)
20. a positive force (Globalization needs to become this.)
21. a negative force (Now, globalization is this.)
22. to break with business as usual ( to change in a big way.)

23. Auschwitz
24. prejudice
25. discrimination