Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website

Conversations for the semester 1 final exam
(Ikeda Fuzoku)


Mrs. Todd: How was your meal, Koji?

Koji: Sorry?

Mrs. Todd: Your food! How was it?

Koji: Oh, it was great. Thanks for letting me use the microwave.

Mrs. Todd: No problem.

Koji: Er, er Mrs. Todd…?

Mrs. Todd: Yes? Is anything wrong?

Koji: Er, Well. I have some clothes to wash.
         Can you show me how to use the washing machine?

Mrs Todd: Oh, sure! I’ll show you.

Mrs. Todd: That’s a great walkman you’ve got there, Koji.

Koji: Sorry? I couldn’t hear you.

Mrs. Todd: I said that’s a nice walkman.

Koji: Oh, Thank you. I was listening to music.

Mrs Todd: Well, that’s OK, but you should practice your
                   English, you know?

Koji: Yes, I know. Er, Mrs Todd?

Mrs Todd: Yes, Koji?

Koji: Is it OK if I watch TV now?
Mrs. Todd: Of course, but it’s only the news on, I think.

Koji: But it’s good for my English.

Mrs Todd: Right. Listening to Japanese music won’t help
                  your English, that’s for sure!


 Conversation 3 from 'Star Taxi'