Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website

Oral Communication, Summer Homework Assignment (Momoyama)
Write a speech.
Theme: A good person I know.
  I know a good person in my neighborhood. He owns a small restaurant. He works hard every day. He is not selfish. He has no expensive hobbies. He has 2 children and he sent them both to university. However, he is not rich. He works hard because he loves his family and has pride. I admire him. Loving your family is the most important thing in life. I wish I could be more like him.

一枚の紙にあなたが実際に知っている、『良い人』の事について短かなエッセイを書いて下さい。夏休みが終われば、これをクラスメートの前で読むから、ス ピーチとして少し練習してください。