Current Events
Semester 1 Mid-term Exam Review
Current Events semester 1 mid-term
exam content.
1. Keyword explanation matching from 'Newsworthy' and 'Darfur'.
2. Questions on content from all 3: eNewsworthy', 'Darfur', and 'Niger
3. Essay on eNewsworthiness' which includes your research project and
'Newsworthy' keywords:
1) anti-war leaflets
2) Cambodia
3) civil war
4) communist
5) East-Timor
6) ghetto
7) invasion
8) kidnap
9) massacre
10) percentage
11) protest
12) union
13) uniqueness
14) refugee
15) sex tourism
16) Sub-Saharan Africa
17) torture
18) weapons of mass destruction
'Darfur' keywords.
1) Sudan
2) Darfur
3) Janjaweed
4) between 200,000 and 700,000
5) 2.5 million
6) rape
7) humanitarian crises
8) U.N.
9) The African Union
10) money
11) oil
12) weapons
13) Russia
14) China
15) Divest
16) Europe or America