Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
 Opinions on discrimination: Class 10,11,12.

Dear Mr. Walsh,

  I think the word ‘gaijin’ in Japanese and the word ‘foreigner’ in English mean different things. The word ‘gaijin’ has a nuance of prejudice, but the word ‘foreigner’ does not. In Chinese letters ‘gaijin’ means ‘other people’, but I don’t understand this. What other people? Of course, there are differences in culture, and language, but these differences are a good thing.  People are all the same when they are born and a baby doesn’t have any prejudice. There has been prejudice throughout human history because we have taught the children these bad ways of thinking. We must stop this. I don’t need any borders or words like ‘gaijin’. We are all from the same planet Earth, and I enjoy the differences.

  However, I have a problem. What should I call people from other countries when I’m speaking Japanese?

  Mr. Nukui told us that prejudice people are stupid and I agree. These problems are scary, but we need to understand more about them in order to stop bad things from happening again, like Auschwitz. Let’s get rid of discrimination and prejudice!

  The government in Japan’s system of separating people at birth is clearly discrimination. They should stop the system of giving alien registration cards to ethic-Korean Japanese people. It is the same as Nazi Germany.  Cultural identity should be that persons own choice. If they want to be considered Korean or Chinese then, OK. If they don’t need that label then OK too.
   Most people who discriminate or have prejudice don’t know that it is a bad thing but the victims know. I need to think more about what I say so I don’t hurt people’s feelings.

   By the way, I am a foreigner living in Japan, but I don’t worry about it.  I think the word ‘gaijin’ is strange, but when I turn 16, I will go and get my ‘gaikokujin toroku sho”.

   Class 10,11,12.