Matthew Walsh's
EFL ESL website

Japanese language learning.
"So you want to learn Japanese" This is a HILARIOUS description of
studying Japanese, written by a university student.
"The Quirky Japan Homepage" is more of a guide to Japan than a language
learning site, but it has some good sections like 'Cool Places', and
'Useless people'.
"The quick and dirty guide to the Japanese Language." This is a page
that explains all the mechanics of the language. It's kind of serious.
"Super Japanese Website" by University of Northern Iowa has links in
many categories from Kanji to geography.
Pretty simple, but functional, and based on everyday situations. Good
for a beginner!
Association for Japanese Language Teaching. A fairly big site.
'learn Japanese online': for beginners
"Teach yourself Japanese" seems pretty straightforward and easy! Try it
Yakuza Japanese. Everything you need to know to sound like a Japanese
gangster. There's also a great guide to Yakuza movies, with film clips
and even dialogues!
"Japanese Culture: A Primer for Newcomers" is part of a bigger page
covering Japan seen from an American, The view the author presents is
critical but insightful. The author has obviously entered the
'disillusioned' phase of acculturation but is nevertheless quite
descriptive and accurate.
Easy Kanji. A series of short texts where every kanji is hyperlinked to
its pronunciation and reading. There are also hints for passing the
upper levels of the JLPT and an advanced-level grammar guide.
Nihongo Resources. A huge page with dictionaries, grammar guide, kanji
information, and lots more.
Jim Breenfs Japanese Page. One of the oldest and best Japan-related
resources on the Internet. Breen is famous for his WWWJDIC Translation
aid and his homepage has links to thousands of URLs related to Japan
and its language.
'The EP Journal' - Exchange students from the EP program
at Momoyama, please become a member of this MSN group and add pictures
from your life in Japan. If you have problems doing it at home, Mr
Yoshida or Craig can do it from the PC in the EP room. The parents love
to look at this page. You can also see all the pictures from last year
as well as pictures of the students from Momoyama studying at your
school now. Take a look!