Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
Stages for a listening lesson.

    Listening classes can be very boring, yet listening is the most basic and necessary skill for the learner. If you set the tasks out clearly step by step, the learner can be truly involved and motivated. Here are some stages of a listening lesson that I have found very usefull to keep the pace up, and maintain a coherence to a lesson.

1) Introduction of topic.
  The teacher says, or does something to get the students interested in the topic and set the context. This could be a picture, illustration, or a set of questions to the whole group. The idea here is to give the students some idea of what the listening will be about.

2) Pre-teaching vocab key to comprehension.
  The teacher introduces vocabulary items needed for the listening tasks.  These would be vocabulary items that you could easily identify as beyond their level, but necessary to understand the passage. Difficult vocabulary items that are not relevant to understanding the main point of the passage, or are not related to key information that you may ask for later (Listening for detail) should be ignored. Click here for an easy example of a vocab pre-teach activity.
  This activity is merely a preparation for the listening, and should be completed in 5 minutes or so. DonŐt get dragged down explaining details like figures of speech.
Click here for an easy example of a vocab pre-teach task.

3) Listening for general understanding (Gist task)
  This is an easy task for a one-pass-over of the listening passage. It is important to set up the task before the tape is played because doing so has students listen with a purpose, expectation or agenda, similar to the way we listen in real life.
  Follow up with some sort of feedback so the students can feel assured that they extracted the info successfully.
Click here for an easy example of a gist task.

4) Listening for detail. (Detail task)
  This task set before the listening to the same passage a second time asks the students to listen for more specific, but relevant information. A typical example would be who, when, or why, but you could use contextual questions aimed at the grammar target if there was one. Again, it is important to have the task understood before the tape is played so that Ss listen with a purpose. As a closing, follow up with some sort of feedback.
Click here for an easy example of a listening for detail task.

5) Go in a different direction that relates to the target.   
e.g. pair work mini-dialogues (like expressways), Info gap activity, writing, ect.
Important aspects: