Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
BBS project
Enter BBS.
  Go to your forum and give your opinion on the new topic ( see below ) by clicking on 'NEW TOPIC', or reply to a topic by clicking on the topic and then presssing 'ADD REPLY'.

Discussion cycle:
Topic starter: Press 'NEW TOPIC'. Give your opinion on topic question.  ( The new topic question is below )
Student 2: Press 'ADD REPLY' in the topic. 1) Tell student 1 what part of the opinion you liked. 2) Ask them a question about their opinion.  3) Give student 1 your opinion. ( a different one )
  * 'excite' や 'goo' のような翻訳サイトは単語のレベルで使うことはいいのですが文のレベルで使用することはやめて下さい뿿.

Topic 1('Euthenasia'/'About Death')  Class 1 and 2 are topic starters. Deadline: POST BY MAY 10th   ( Class 3 and 4 don't have to respond yet )
  Recently, there was a very famous court case about the right to die. Terri Schiavo, a woman in the U.S.  had been in the hospital since 1990. Most of her brain was gone, but her body was still alive. Her husband wanted her life to end, but her parents didn't agree. There were many court rulings and the case became very famous. Even president Bush talked about the case on TV.
  Does a patient have the right to die? If so, who can decide this for the patient? What is your opinion?

 Reply:   Class 3 and 4 reply to
'Euthenasia'/'About Death'.  Deadline: May 16th (Mon) 11:59 pm.  (Class 1 and 2, do nothing.)
            Press 'add reply'. Use the title 'About your essay.'

Topic 2: 'Nuclear Power: Do we need it?'  Class 3 and 4 are topic starters. Deadline  June 6th (Mon) 11:59 pm. (Class 1 and 2 do nothing)
  Nuclear power provides 27 percent of the power in Japan and compared to coal is clean in terms of the green house gas emissions threatening our environment. However, the possibility of accidents cannot be denied and the waste from these plants remains dangerous for centuries and we have no proven method to dispose of it.
    For more info, use the material on pp. 76-79 of 20 Steps to Critical Writing

Reply: Class 1 and 2 reply: Deadline June 13th (Mon) 11:59 pm

Notice: 夏休みまで3、4組は Topic Starter の役、1、2組はそれに返事を書く役をします。

Topic 3:
'Sentos: What do you think about them?'
Class 3 and 4 are topic starters. Deadline: June 20th (Mon) 11:59 pm.
  Do you like 'sentos'?  Sentos, or public baths are common in Japan, however fewer and fewer people use them because most people have showers where they live these days. Some people still love to go to the sento, but some people prefer not to. What do you think about public baths?

1) 7月からはBBSにはパースワードが必要になります。 6月29日に授業でuser registrationを行います。ユーザー名を組、出席番号の3桁にします。(101、102、。。。201、202)パスワードはいつも学校のパソ コンに入る時と同じものにすると覚えやすいと思います。email addressも学校にもらったものでもいい、ほかのaddressでもいいです。(特にそのaddressで連絡するつもりはありませんが、自分の BBSの設定によって、それをいつも見るaddressにすると便利かもしりません)
2)  これから、どうしてもパソコンにアクセスすることが難しい人は紙で Mr. Walsh  か Ms. Kaji に出してください。

Topic 4: 'Fukousai: Improvements for the future.' Class 3 and 4 are topic starters. Deadline: July 5th (Tue) 11:59 pm.
Next year, you (the 11th grade) will be in charge of the Fukousai. What are some areas for improvement that you could suggest. Use specific examples in your post.

Reply: Class 1 and 2 reply: Deadline July 11th (Mon) 11:59 pm

  Summer Vacation Homework (Topic 5)
'Cell Phones'
  1) Post your essay about cellular phones on the bbs as you normally do, as a 'new topic'.
  2) Read your partner's essay and give them the same type of advice that you do today. Remember, to give them advice about the content of their essay, and whether the message is clear or not.
  3) You may choose to use your partner's advice to make a rewrite before you hand the essay in for the contest.

Topic 6:
'Discipline': Should schools discipline students? If you become a parent, will you discipline your child?'

are topic starters.

Deadline: Oct. 24th (Mon) 11:59 pm.

Topic 7: 'About Sogo': Each group is studying a different topic in comprehensive studies. What is your group studying?  Have you found something you are interested in? Please explain a little.
are topic starters.

Deadline: Nov. 7th (Mon) 11:59 pm.

Topic 8: 'About Paris': What do you think about the situation with the riots in Paris? Use the internet, or watch the news to find out what's happening if you don't know.
are topic starters.

Deadline: Nov. 28th (Mon) 11:59 pm.

Topic 9: Poverty (for Jan 18 and 25 class)
  How can we cure poverty in the world? Post your own topic and repy to someone elses if you have an opinion.
今回からは掲示板形式でいきます。 つまり、 'secret friend' との対話ではなく、自由にWriting Class BBS
forum の 各 topic の中に 'New Topic' を出したり, 興味のある意見に対して 'Reply'を 'post' (投稿) して出したりします。
Deadline: Jan 24th.

Topic 10: 'Horie-mon Panic': ( for Feb 1 and 8 class)
  What do you think about the recent events surrounding 'Livedoor'?

Deadline: Feb 7th.

Topic 11: 'Learner feedback': ( for Feb 22 and March 1 class)
  What parts of this class did you enjoy and what needs improvement'?

Deadline: Anytime before the test.

Enter BBS.