JUAN GONZALEZ ( Democracy Now! reporter): Saturday March 19th
marks the second aniversary of the Iraq invasion. More then 725
anti-war protests and events are scheduled across the country to mark
the aniversary.
AMY GOODMAN: ( Democracy Now! reporter) Yesterday, Yoruba Richen, one
of our producers, spoke with organizers around the country to get a
sense of what was happening in their communities.
FRIDA BERRIGAN: ( Protest organizer ) I'm Frida Berrigan. I'm with the
War Resisters League, a
local organization in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
And we're organizing funeral processions to recruiting stations around
the city. In Manhattan, we'll be meeting in the morning at Dag
Hammarskjold Plaza and carrying coffins representing Iraqi and American
victims of the war. We'll be carrying those coffins along 42nd Street
to the Times Square recruiting station where some of our participants
will commit civil disobedience and block the doors of the recruiting
station. Simultaneously, actions will happen in Brooklyn on Flatbush
Avenue and in the Bronx on Fordham Road. In both locations there are
military recruiting stations, and activists will be carrying coffins
and photographs of Iraqi and American victims of the war.
PHUNG VO: ( Protest organizer ) This is Phung Vo. I'm calling from
Toledo, Ohio. On the anniversary of – the second anniversary of the
Iraq war, the organization
Northwest Ohio Peace
Coalition is going to
set up an event called Arlington Midwest at the University of Toledo,
where we put over 1,500 tombstones with the names of the American
fallen in Afghanistan and Iraq at the campus of University of Toledo.
LEE HUGHES: Hi. ( Protest organizer ) This is Lee Hughes. I'm from Act
Now, which is in Australia in Cambra, and this Saturday, on March 19,
we'll be protesting against, you know, the war in Iraq and reminding
people that two years on from the invasion, Australians still oppose
the war. We think that with 100,000 Iraqis dead, and the U.S. just
moving further and further away from actually bringing democracy to
Iraq, we should bring the troops home and, you know, we should let
Iraqis rebuild their own country.
AMY GOODMAN: ( Democracy Now! reporter) Voices of dissent on this eve
of the invasion of Iraq, the second anniversary of the invasioncccc
was taken from 'Democracy Now!', an independent news show on public TV
and the internet. (Click below)