Matthew Walsh's EFL ESL website
Things I've Written

  Here is an odd collection things I've written.  I'd be honored if you happened to take a look.

For the Ghosts of Oswiecim (日本語)

For the Ghosts of Oswiecim (English)

The Application of Process Writing to the Needs of L2 Student-Writers (pdf)

Consciousness-Raising (C-R): Its Background and Application (pdf)

Experimental syllabus design developed as part of the SELHI project: Writing for 11th graders (pdf)

A SELHI high school "writing" course: Chances for free production and the use of Criterion. In K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.) JALT2005 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. (pdf)

    Handout from my presentation at the 2005 JALT National Conference 'Online Evaluation Software in Writing Courses' (pdf)

Collocation and the Learner of English (pdf)

ETJ Kansai Expo 2004 presentation: Process Writing in High School EFL: What, How, and Why (pdf)

ETJ Kansai Expo 2005 presentation: Task-based Learning for 'International Awareness' (pdf)

ETJ Kansai Expo 2006 presentation: Task-based Learning for 'International Awareness' (pdf)

ETJ Kansai Expo 2007 presentation: Task based Learning for 'International Awareness' (doc)

Applying the Francis and Hunston Model to Debate-like Spoken Discourse (pdf)

Using a BBS in a High School Writing Class (pdf)

English as an International Language. Accents in the Curriculum: Japan (pdf)

A Comparison of Two Texts using the tools of Systemic Functional Grammar (pdf)

Report from the SELHI project at Ikeda High School attached to Osaka Kyoiku University (日本語)(pdf)

Measuring involvement load -"evaluation". In A. M. Stoke (Ed.), JALT2008 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT (pdf)

     Handout from Measuring involvement load - "evaluation" (PAC7 at JALT2008) (pdf)

Osaka JALT 5th Annual Tech Day at Hannan University - A Dummies Guide to Using your iPhone for the Classroom (pdf of power point)